News Archive for 2004

December 7, 2004

Real Estate - Diversification in a Turbulent Market

Business Week
According to AV Advisors LLC, member of American Ventures, “commercial real estate is an important component - typically 5-10% - of a balanced institutional investment portfolio. Real estate diversifies a portfolio because its investment performance has a low correlation to that of securities. As a tangible asset, real estate funds have fundamental value and [...]

September 9, 2004

Urban Funds Target Development

New Urban News
Urban initiative funds, or UIFs, are on the rise. Following on the success of the New Mexico Urban Initiatives Fund, American Ventures, Florida’s largest real estate investment firm, is pioneering the South Florida Urban Initiatives Fund. American Ventures has identified several real estate investments it hopes to support. According to CFO of American [...]

August 10, 2004

The Good Citizen, Profile of Philip Blumberg

Poder Magazine
“Civic leader, devoted father, and successful entrepreneur. Philip Blumberg transformed American Ventures, once a one-man company, into one of the most stable and successful commercial real estate institutions in the South…” Full story (PDF,1236KB).

April 4, 2004

South Florida CEO Profile, Philip Blumberg

South Florida CEO
Suburbia is already becoming problematic for developers and buyers. According to Philip Blumberg, CEO of American Ventures, “whether it’s because of the sprawl, or infrastructure, urban environments are becoming more and more attractive as a place to live. We are not funding speculative high rises but rather projects in downtowns, for people who [...]

March 25, 2004

Urban Fund Seeks Investors

The Miami Herald
With the South Florida Urban Initiative Fund underway, Philip Blumberg, CEO of American Ventures, aims to raise $100 million for the fund, which he anticipates will fuel “$1.2 billion worth of urban renewal and affordable housing projects in the region over the next seven years.” Philip Blumberg is now planning other real estate [...]

New Real Estate Fund to Finance Development in Urban Core Areas

Miami Today
Philip Blumberg, CEO of American Ventures, has recently launched the first real estate investment fund in the US to provide “mezzanine financing specifically for urban projects.” The South Florida Urban Initiatives Fund will finance “mixed-use, residential and commercial projects for experienced developers.” Full story (PDF,272KB).

March 24, 2004

Investors Plan Launch of Urban Initiatives Fund

Globe Street Insight
American Ventures CEO, Philip Blumberg, has recently announced the launch of the South Florida Urban Initiatives Fund. According to Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, the launch places Miami in a leadership role in “the creation of innovative ways to leverage private and public resources for public good.” Full story (PDF, 200KB).