
Online Survey

March 22, 2008 - Detail of Office Survey – Significant Regional Differences

Blumberg Capital Partners Detail of Office Survey – Significant Regional Differences Regional Percent of Total Sample: Northeast: 17% South 35% Midwest: 29% West: 19% For a map of which states are in which regions (Northeast, South, Midwest, West), click here: Largest Representation by State – Top 3 10% of the sample was from California [...]

March 21, 2008 - Detail of Verbatim Comments from Office-Worker Survey

Blumberg Capital Partners Detail of Verbatim Comments from Office-Worker Survey Question: If you could change something about your office building, what would it be? Needs Improvement: Layout and Décor “I wouldn’t change anything, I feel safe, comfortable, and it’s well kept.” “Too many steps to climb to get to entrance.” “Higher cubicle walls to help [...]