Blumberg Strategic Commodities Fund

The Blumberg Strategic Commodities Fund is simply one of the most diversified Funds for commodity investing available in the market today.

The Blumberg Strategic Commodities Fund is a closed-end Fund with open-end Fund like features that utilizes a diversified commodities investment strategy, focused primarily on physical commodities in-ground with proven reserves and certainty of extraction. The Fund features a diversified portfolio across commodities and commodity related infrastructure and technologies, reducing risk and locked-in returns. Additionally, we invest in debt or debt-like instruments secured by production or commodity assets in order to produce current yield on the invested capital.

The Fund is sponsored by one of the strongest performing vertically integrated institutional real estate investment managers in the United States, Blumberg Capital Partners, which has generated, since inception (1992), a 17.89% average annual return on investments, including 17.6% in 2008, made by its real estate equity Funds.