
Blumberg Strategic
Asset Fund

Blumberg Capital Partners had the foresight to sell assets at the market peak and to move largely into cash positions prior to the market disruptions of 2007 and 2008.

The Blumberg Strategic Asset Fund was created in 2009 to begin to reinvest this cash, and provide non-U.S. investors with a vehicle to purchase highly discounted U.S. assets in a market offering unprecedented opportunities.

The Fund’s management believes that strategic opportunities exist in selected areas and markets, such as Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities, Whole Loan Distressed Debt, direct ownership of Class A Commercial Properties, and Corporate and Net Leased Facilities.

These opportunities are being evaluated in keeping with The Blumberg Investment Discipline. In addition, any investments must be approved by the Blumberg Investment Committee.

Due to limitations imposed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the fund is at this time only offered to investors domiciled outside of the United States.