Current Market Outlook

Our long experience in real estate through various cycles allowed us to anticipate the market turmoil of 2007-2008, and we implemented a disciplined strategy of commercial real estate dispositions beginning in 2006. By July of 2008, ahead of the major market declines, with no debt and no legacy assets, we had generated strong returns and moved largely into cash positions.

Looking beyond the current crisis, we see opportunities in commercial real estate, distressed debt and REITs, among other areas. Our experience suggests that as real estate markets begin to re-establish a base, we saw unprecedented opportunities beginning 2010.

For up-to-the-minute news on our market outlook, go to News & Announcements, where you will also find links to a wide variety of resources and RSS feeds, such as a morning update on CMBS spreads and updated media coverage of our view on the market.

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